
(As Revised through November 21, 2023)


Article I: NAME 

Section 1.  The name of the organization shall be the North Shore Men’s Golf League, a non-profit organization.



Section 1. The objective of this League shall be to foster and promote mutual interest in competitive golf by and between amateur members of golf clubs located in the Palm Beach area in the State of Florida.



Section 1.

Weekly events are scheduled at various venues throughout the season. The events are conducted at Qualified Clubs with Qualified courses and and with Qualified Players. At the conclusion of the season, a playoff tournament to determine the League Champion.  A League Invitational tournament is held after the playoffs. 

The League shall be governed by the Governing Body which will consist of a Governor from the Qualified Clubs A club may have one or more teams.

Procedures for team competition shall be determined by the Board of Governors at their regular scheduled meeting no later than two months prior to the start of team competition. Procedures and method of play may be changed at any time by the Board of Governors with at least thirty (30) days’ notice.

Section 2.

Details for the Weekly events and Playoffs are included in separate procedures. 



Section 1.

The Board of Governors (herein called – BOG) will consist of all appointed Governors from member clubs.  Each year, officers for the subsequent year shall be elected by a majority vote of the sitting governors at the last meeting of the year. 

The Officers of this League shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Information Officer.  All officers must be Governors or Team Captains. However, two officers may be combined in one individual upon the approval of the Board of Governors. 

The Board of Governors shall have the authority to reprimand, suspend, expel, or penalize a member club, its Governor or its team for neglect of duty, non-performance, non-attendance to Board of Governors meetings or any other reason that prevents or impedes the successful operation of this League subject to the Voting procedures covered below. 

Section 2.

Officers -President

It shall be the duty of the President to act as Chairman at all regular and special Board of Governor meetings.  He shall be empowered to select all committees including their Chairmen. He shall be empowered to create as many committees as he deems necessary to insure the smooth and successful operation of the League. He may be a member of these committees with the privilege of one vote. In the event of an Officer vacancy, it shall be the President’s responsibility to replace such vacancy for the balance of the unexpired year, with the approval of the Board of Governors.

Officers - Vice-President 

It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in various duties and to perform the duties of the President in the event of President’s absence or disability.

Officers - Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to take minutes of all Board of Governors meetings, take care of all correspondence and keep all League records.

Officers - Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies due the League from any and all sources.  He shall deposit such monies as outlined in Article IV, Section 1.  He shall be responsible for all disbursements of the League’s funds and shall keep an accurate record of all financial transactions.  He shall report on the financial status of the League at all Board of Governors meetings and shall present an annual financial report at the first meeting of each new year and at such other times as shall be determined by the Board of Governors.  All checks shall be signed by either the Treasurer or any current officer.

Officers - non-Officer Governors

It shall be the duty of the non-officer Governors to assist the officers in every possible manner, to guide the general activities of the League to fulfill its objectives and to promote the interest in the League to the general public wherever possible.



Section 1.

Each year the BOG will review and approve the committees and the appointments to those committees. There shall be at a minimum a Rules/Grievance Committee, Handicap Committee and a Membership Committee. The BOG also has the right to add other committees as required.

Section 2.

Rules/Grievance Committee 

The Rules.Grievance Committee shall recommend to and interpret for the Board of Governors, if necessary, all rules and regulations pertaining to all procedures for team competition. This committee shall also adjudicate specific violation claims.  

The Rules Committee can recommend to the BOG a Team be Considered not in Good Standing.

Handicap Committee

The Handicap Committee shall be appointed to review scores and make handicap adjustments if appropriate. The Handicap Committee shall review and approve the Tee Selections of all players. 

The Handicap Committee can recommend to the BOG that a Team be Considered not in Good Standing. 

Membership Committee

The Membership committee shall be appointed to solicit and vett potential new clubs for participation in the League.



Section 1.

The BOG shall on an annual basis review and approve the teams that will be included in the current year schedule. This shall include a review of:

  • Existing Clubs: The Board of Governors shall have the authority to reprimand, suspend, expel, or penalize a member club, its Governor or its team for neglect of duty, non-performance, non-attendance to Board of Governors meetings or any other reason that prevents or impedes the successful operation of this League. 
  • New Clubs: The Board of Governors shall have the authority to review new clubs that have expressed in the league and fulfill all the requirements, such as payment of annual dues, waiving green fees, acceptance of the By-Laws and any other requirements stipulated by the Board of Governors.
  • Existing clubs: Clubs that no longer wish to participate in the League.
  • Existing Teams that have been designated as Not in Good Standing.



Section 1.

All clubs of this League must agree to waive all green fees for the visiting member teams and their alternates.

All clubs must fulfill all the requirements, such as payment of annual dues, waiving green fees, acceptance of the By-Laws and any other requirements stipulated by the Board of Governors.

Member clubs and their Governor shall ensure that except for special services, all service personnel bag attendants, parking attendants, waiters, etc. are properly compensated. 

All member clubs shall appoint a Governor to represent them in league administration. Clubs with more than one team can elect to have one or more Governors. The number of Governors shall not exceed the number of teams at that venue. Every Governor must be a member of his team and of his host club, must not be a professional golfer or in the employment of the member club and must have complete authority to represent his club in all matters pertaining to the League.

All clubs must be willing to host a weekly event. This requirement can be waived if approved by the Board of Governors. 



Section 1.

Courses shall have a current USGA Rating from at least 3 tee boxes. Matches may be played from 3 different sets of tees.  The host venue will select the 3 sets of tees to be played where tee boxes most closely meet the following:

  • Rear tees will be between 6250 and 6500 yards.
  • Middle Tees will be between 6000 and 6250 yards. 
  • Forward Tees will be between 5750 and 6000 yards. 



Section 1.

Each competing player must be a current amateur Member of the Club with full golf privileges, not a Junior Member or son of a member playing under a Family Membership, or summer member; and must have a current USGA Handicap and an active GHIN identification number and index.  Additions of such qualified club members to the online team roster may be made at any time from among this pool, and they thereby become candidates for subsequent placement onto a match roster in accordance with the rules below.

The maximum Handicap Index (USGA) for an individual for all competition shall be 27.0.  If a player’s Handicap Index is at any time during the season or playoff above 27 it shall be assigned to be 27. 

All team members shall be listed in the the team roster of the Northshore Website. A players GHIN must be entered and the players selection of preferred tee box. 

Team Governor is responsible for ensuring the selected tee is a true representation of the majority of the member’s recent play.  Only the Governor can change the selected tee. 

Tee selection will be frozen 4 days before season start and immediately when adding a new player after the start of the season.

Section 2.

The Handicap Committee shall review, approve or dispute all tee selections.




Section 1.

Each year the BOG shall establish the financial requirements of the teams and the players.  Sources of funds shall be Annual Contribution, Event Participation, Food, skins and Year End Tournament Cost.

Section 2.

Annual Contribution

The Annual Contribution is paid each year before the season begins.  The Annual Contribution covers the all league administration and operating costs. The Annual contribution shall be paid by each member team which shall be deposited in a checking account in a bank agreed upon by the Board of Governors in the name of the North Shore Men’s Golf League.  Replenishment of the League’s fund and any increase in member team dues shall be in the amounts and at such times as determined by the Board of Governors. The amount of the Annual Contribution shall be approved by the Board of Governors each year before the season starts.  

All disbursements shall be reported to the Board of Governors of Governors at their regular scheduled meetings.

Section 3.

Golf Related Costs

Golf Related Costs are paid by the players participating in the event and shall cover the cost green fees, cart rental fees, and tips for bag handling. Event Participation costs are paid to the Host Venue by the Team Captain.

Section 4.

Food Cost 

Food cost are fees paid to the Host Venue for lunch and include the cost food and all tips. Food cost is in addition to Event Participation Cost and shall be due on the day of the event. 

Each year, each venue will determine if food service will be offered and the cost of the Food that meets the following guidelines:

  • Served: 12:30 to 1:30pm
  • Cold garden salad bar to include chicken or tuna salad.
  • One hot prepared meat dish with vegetables and potato.
  • Soup is optional.
  • Cold cuts for sandwiches
  • Hamburgers and hot dogs are acceptable.
  • Desert cake, cookies, fresh fruit
  • Coffee, iced tea, and soft drinks.

 Based upon this information, the BOG will establish a Food Cost Range. Food cost will be mandatory to all participants if:

  • event is a shotgun start, 
  • the food offered meets the Food Guidelines, and 
  • Food Cost is within the Food Cost Range approved by the Governor. 

If the Food service at a venue is NOT considered mandatory, the venue can offer a optional menu with prices for those players who wish to have lunch.  

Section 5.


Skins is a voluntary contribution pool collected from the players for each event. Skins money is given to host venue in cash.  The entire amount of the skins pool is distributed at the conclusion of each event to every player who has the lowest gross score of all players in the event on a hole. The amount of the skins contributions is approved by the BOG every year.

Section 6.

Year End Tournament Cost

The cost of the tournament shall be established by the BOG annually based on the venue and food options. Prizes for the tournament shall be awarded based on the unspent Annual Contribution funds. 

Each Year, Governors decide on the Event Cost and the Food Cost options. 



Section 1.

The President and/or majority of the Board of Governors shall have the privilege of calling a meeting at any time they may deem necessary for the good and welfare of the League.

Section 2.

The annual meeting of the Board of Governors shall be scheduled in January of each year at a time and place designated by the Board of Governors.

Section 3.

For the purpose of transacting League business, a quorum for the Board of Governors meetings and the annual meeting shall consist of 51% or more of the Governors or their representatives in attendance.



Section 1.

The penalty for breaking league rules, losing team scores, or not properly reporting score to the scoring committee shall be the loss of the match and all points. The host club shall assume this responsibility.



Section 1.

Rules/Grievance Committee shall be established for the purpose of interpreting rules and hearing protests from member clubs regarding play between clubs. The committee shall be comprised of 3 members: the current league vice-president and two at large members. If any members of the Rules/Grievance Committee represent a club that is involved in a protest, then those members shall recuse themselves from that deliberation. The league President will appoint new temporary members to hear that protest only. 

Section 2.

A protest/grievance must be filed within 1 week from the date the match in question was played by contacting the Chairman of the Rules/Grievance committee. A telephone call is sufficient for this contact. After verbally explaining the basis of the protest/grievance, the protesting party must submit a written statement of the circumstances to the chairman within 3 days. 

The chairman will contact the other party to the protest to ascertain the facts as that club understands them. The chairman will notify the other committee members and send them a copy of the statement. The chairman will have a discussion with the individual members, or as a group, and a decision will be made. Each member will have one vote and a simple majority is necessary for a decision to be reached. 

After a decision is reached, the chairman will communicate the decision to the parties involved in the dispute. If necessary, the chairman will communicate the decision to the scoring chairman so that appropriate corrections can be made. 

Section 3.

There will be no protest of incomplete or inaccurate recording of handicaps.  Each Pro and Governor will exercise due diligence in the posting of scores in an accurate and timely manner.



Section 1.

If any Member Club does not play the full schedule because they are not members in good standing for the entire season, all matches played with such clubs shall be deleted in the won/lost/tied computations


Section 1.

Amendments or deletions of the By-Laws or Rules and Regulations shall be presented at a meeting of the Board of Governors and referred to the applicable committee for recommendation to be submitted for approval at the next regular meeting or at any special meeting called for any purpose. 

The Board of Governors must approve these rules and regulations and has the authority to change, amend, delete, or correct these rules and regulations at any time according to the Voting Procedures. 

Section 2.

Voting Procedures

75% approval of the Board of Governors is required for any change in the League Participation, By-laws and Rules.  

Governors shall have one vote and shall have the authority of transferring his vote to his team captain or anyone he authorizes to represent his member club, but in no event will the Team have more than one vote.  In case of a tie vote, the President of the Board of Governors shall be empowered to cast one additional vote to break the tie.

Team Captains may be appointed by the Governor from his club membership to serve as long as the Governor deems advisable. They may represent the Governor at all regular or special Board of Governors meetings in the event of his absence.

Section 3.

The effective date of these By-Laws is identified at the beginning of this document and this document shall be the only By-Laws of the North Shore Men’s Golf League. All prior documents of By-Laws shall be null and void.